Hello! Im Sean Tarr. Compilation

Television Ad


Network, commercial, live event, imaging, narration biography, narration audio book, telephony, character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
millions around the world followed a superstar on trial, but they didn't see secret tapes of a juror. New sketches from the courtroom artist. Hey, if life were perfect, magazines would never smell like perfume. Dogs would walk themselves, and algebra would really come in handy. Well, look on the bright side. At least there's an still light, the rhythmic beating of the drums, cheerful tinkling of rain sticks and the mouthwatering aroma. Chimichangas. Yes, it's Fiesta time again in Lincoln Park for the smoothest, grooviest jazz, keep your ears tuned into the West Coast. Cool 98.1 FM Catch the vibe bqool bythe. Like many other philosophers who greatly extended our knowledge of nature, Galileo had a remarkable aptitude for the invention of instruments designed for philosophical research. To facilitate his practical work, we find that in 15 99 he engaged a skilled workmen first laid eyes on Lake Superior and the big country around it. More than a decade ago, I drown myself in its pleasures, fishing for trump, hunting for mushrooms, picking Berries in its pine scented air. On my frequent returns to the lake country, I have been hard to find that it remains as I first knew it. Thank you for calling American Airlines a proud member of the One World Alliance. Your call may be monitored or recorded to ensure quality service. There's something about being under the stars in the high desert brings out the best. It's a place Raleigh needs is a good horse trust he had and, of course, finest AnAnd crafted leather.