Peter Savigny - Narration

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Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Peter's longer format narration reads cover science, medical, explorations, documentaries, and unique trivia.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
were fierce winds and frigid currents batter the Falkland Islands. Many a Mariners dream has come to grief, and many, and nightmare has been born under the eye of this devil burn. Here, one of the rarest birds of prey on Earth cries havoc and let slip the dogs of war. Most accidents don't happen at work, but in the home, government statistics collected in one year show just how many seemingly innocuous household objects can cause accidents. Slippers are responsible for 37,000 and 48. Zippers accounted for 488 and photo frames somehow injured, 3515. Crossing on measured distances, we traced coastlines and sailed uncertain seas. We crossed oceans straits, drained by an ice age into every corner of birth. We've ventured, looking for places to put down our roots, to raise our families or just to see what was out there. Today, it's the final frontier that fires our imaginations. With so many stars in our galaxy, we make a simple extrapolation that the cosmos must be filled with worlds like ours. Lincoln orthopedic physical therapy is all about helping people. Shoulder rehabilitation has always been an important emphasis of our practice. There have been recent advances in early rotator cuff repair, which we have added to our rehabilitation guidelines. Studies report that a rotator cuff retail rate is between 25 35%. Dreams. They can be bewildering, terrifying, inspiring. But do they mean anything? Our dreams, the nonsensical byproduct of a sleeping brain or a window into our unconscious mind? Rich with revelations? After more than a century of searching, scientists may finally be nearing an answer by literally watching dreams unfold and testing their impact on both are sleeping and waking lives, their theory impossible and often just plain weird.