Promo Demo - Scott Farley

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Harry and his bucket full of dinosaurs. Next on Treehouse, get ready for another half hour of commercial free listening, 96.5 FM. Ever since the discovery that things can float on water surfing has captured the imagination and enthusiasm of even the most unlikely practitioners. What's up with the hair and with the development of exciting new tricks and styles, you can fit a whole fish in there. The sport of surfing has never been more. That was spectacular, breathtaking. Big fun movies, presents surf's up. Sunday at six on Y. T. V. People of Earth. New Season, july 24th cTV. Sunday Canada's top two home cooks face the final battle in the season finale that comes down to one last meal. Master chef Canada finale at a special time. Sunday at eight on CTV travel through time, travel through space travel through the air or to this place You can find all these destinations and more right in your very own backyard. Egan's with a little imagination, of course, pack your bags and join the backyard. Egan's tonight at 6:30 on treehouse