Narrations and so much more

Profile photo for Steven Airey
Not Yet Rated


The above clip is a demo reel of narration prompts. While the range is mild and subtle, it can always be modified and changed to fit your needs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for weeks, John Adams and Benjamin Franklin argued over the declaration. They were having trouble putting their ideals into words, so they called on a young delegate from Virginia named Thomas Jefferson. Franklin was skeptical, but when he read Jefferson's first draft, his skepticism melted away. Many people view DNA as the biological equivalent of destiny. Whatever your DNA says, that's who you become. But in fact, there's plenty of wiggle room. Studies have shown that lifestyle choices can activate and deactivate segments of your genetic code, having a significant impact on your long term health. At first glance, it looked like a robbery gone wrong. But when detectives took a closer look, things didn't quite add up. Jewelry left on the night stand credit cards on the kitchen table tablets, laptops and phones scattered everywhere. To Lieutenant Rose, it seemed less like a robbery and more like a ruse. Every change inside of a data center creates a slew of unintended consequences. For instance, if you add an extra server stack, you can increase pressure on the power supply, which can lead to overheating, which means you need another cooling unit, which adds even mawr pressure on the power supply. That's why data center management requires meticulous planning