Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Sean Campbell
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A commercial demo I received from BAM studios.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know it's awesome how we look for a house these days. You can use a phone toward your dream home. Nice or use your shiny new laptop to check the curb appeal with the street view map man, is it hot out today? It's like the sun showed up with a baseball bat and you owe money. Oh sure you can hide for a little while in your air conditioned car. But what happens when you step inside that toaster oven, you call a house, your car and your life have a lot of moving parts and your car is battered is what keeps it all going. Even though all batteries may look the same on the outside, it's what's inside that matters. Some people think that pressing their on demand button will make their house explode. The on demand button is a way to access free movies. The button to blow up a house is actually channel up channel down to star 77. Your business is our business. That's why we make more e commerce deliveries to homes than anyone in the country, learn more at coast to coast dot com. I wish you could get paid for doing nothing all the days blend together like some Kafka's nightmare. Dave pick up the phone, Sheila found the pictures of the bachelor party and the thing so I need some help here introducing the new reaganomics monopoly watches your friends struggle to pay for their properties while hoping the wealth will trickle down teaching kids economic falsehoods in a fun way