Narrative Demo

Profile photo for Sean Irwin
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our food adventure starts here in Barcelona, sitting in the northeast of Spain, this Catalonian provinces fiercely proud of its culinary tradition, a city which has some of the most talked about food in the world, on experimental cuisine to classic tapas and tempting treats. Here, eating and socialising go hand in hand. It's little wonder the locals love to eat on DH. Meet Advantix. Five business units are involved with every aspect of daily life to help realise your dreams. Inspired by the vision of a ubiquitous and connected world, each product is designed with this clear concept in mind. Advantage brings new technologies and groundbreaking applications. Too many fields like medical care, digital home transportacion factory automation on video surveillance, Every new technology from fingerprints. DNA makes it harder for a criminal to get away with murder. But is it possible to use the knowledge of forensic science not to catch a killer but to commit the perfect murder? The people most likely to know other forensic investigators themselves the most successful hunter in all of Africa is intelligent and loving, forming intricate social bonds that rival those of primates. Cubs of the alpha female inherit the rank immediately below hers, similar to a monarchy. The king of the jungle, you might say, Well, no, we're talking about the hyena, Long misunderstood as dimwitted, gluttonous scavengers with the demonic laugh behind has a serious PR crisis on its paws.