

Latino Accent, Character Voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Spanish (General) Spanish (Latino) Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I've lived this short but wonderful life. I'm rarely alone and I'm always on an adventure. Treading water in the sunshine empowered by the sea. I am a pioneer. I challenge the expected and despise the norm. I care about the people I hold the closest. I don't care for complaints. I don't understand ego. I am reliable yet free. I don't fit in a box or an office. I spend my time in a dream. Life isn't a business. Don't live for a fee. I don't care if you're famous and not impressed by success. I'm impressed by sunrise and impressed by respect. Leave your phone on the dock. Don't run me a ground. You're alive or you aren't. You're never too old. Make everyone's life great, not just your own. The music will turn up. Please don't shy away. This party has just begun.