Narration/Commercial Demo

Television Ad


A narration/commercial demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We've all seen clouds like these and these, but there's another kind of cloud. It's impacting your work in your life. At this very moment. You're the master of your ship, and you have work to do to make tracks to bring order to chaos. T and T, our design team visualized looks that could create a road map for a 360 degree dome presentation. Future. No one really knows for certain what's in store, but that doesn't stop us from making it ours by teaming up with the best in the business. The Trail Blazers trendsetters, the doers. They're one of us. Their ingenuity and imagination drivers to build new products unmatched in the industry. You want to leave a legacy people will remember. You need your projects on time on budget, on with quality you can stand behind because promises matter and your reputation is at stake. I bet you can't name three things in life that are more important than food. It rules our lifestyles way. We think how we function as a species. Food is king, but we rarely stop to think about where our food comes from. Whether or not our produce is fresh and healthy. Did you ever stop to think how far the vegetables on your plate traveled to get there? You're about to eat this thing. Wouldn't you want to know where it's been? And if there's something better out there, you don't become the gold standard overnight. It's earned run after run. And while some decisions in science or difficult, what if they didn't have to be? For years, we have cycled extensively throughout Europe. We have traveled thousands of kilometres, and every year we managed to outdo ourselves and exceed our expectations. While nothing truly replaces the impact of shaking your colleague's hand or discussing a big deal over dinner, there is a near equivalent experience. It's called immersive telepresence. Until now, because of their costs in the amount of space required, telepresence systems were reserved for top management and special meetings and occasions. It is an island of rich and meaningful history. Life here dates back 10,000 years. When Native Americans forge their way through the seasons, it's easy to feel the islands deep history when standing at the grooves formed by the glaciers, which gave life to lake eerie, relax on white sand beaches with turquoise waters only 10 minutes away and enjoy all the region has to offer and exploring the secrets of the ancient Mayan world.