Moscow Diaries is a series of stories narrated in documentary style.

Profile photo for Shaily Mudgal
Not Yet Rated


Moscow Diaries deals with the grim reality that hides in the margins of a futuristic city. It digs into the dirt that is hidden behind the shiny walls of a perfect society. I am the sole narrator of this story.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we reached there just in time to witness the farmers toiling in the farm. They had their shirts wrapped on their waist. They were tall and despite their charming smile, they appear thin and free. Their bodies had no fat and you could almost count their ribs, even their facial features spoke of their pain and hardship. The skin on their faces had receded, giving their cheekbones can tools thinly hit the curves of their skull. Having parked the tractor at the collective shed, madam, a young peasant boy wiped his sweaty forehead with his shirt and took us to his house. We walked a couple of miles. Once inside, his wife promptly served as tea and bread. Then he introduced me to his mother, Lorena, she was thin short and it's sparkling eyes and a permanent smile hung on her otherworldly face. She welcomed me by taking my hand in hers as if to feel something. And then she kissed me on my forehead and made me sit on an old wooden chair, seeing me sit on the chair. The family burst into a spontaneous joy. Then his son informed me that the chair belonged to his grandfather and I'm the second person allowed to sit on it. Who was the first? I asked. Oh, it's a long story, he said. At lunchtime, we were served hot potatoes sprinkled with salt and pepper. I was told that that is all they have and that is all they eat and bread are reserved only for the guest of honor