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stress is a common problem that each one of us experiences at some point or another. In fact, stress comes and goes in our lives many times, sometimes without even our knowledge. Stress and its most debilitating form can turn our lives upside down, resulting in serious issues such as nervous breakdowns and even fatal heart attacks. It is important, therefore, to learn toe, identify stress, identify stress triggers and to find solutions to manage them. So that has to lead a life that is fulfilling, happy and contented. So what is stress? Stress is the natural response of your body to any kind of expectation or demand. Both bad and good experiences and demands of your body in mine can cause stress. When an individual experiences stress, certain chemicals are released in the body into the bloodstream. These chemicals or hormones as they're referred to help the individual to deal with the impending stressful situation by increasing his or her mental and physical strength. This is a good thing during times of physical danger, such as an imminent attack from a wild animal etcetera. However, if this stressful situations are connected to emotions and the mind, then it can be a bad thing. The extra strength released by the body during this kind of stressful situation will not find an external outlet and end up accumulating in the system. Even stress from physical danger can be a bad thing if it is prolonged for a very long time. Causes of stress, survival stress. When you feel hurt in a physical form, survival stress comes into play. The response to this kind of stress is the most common thing among living beings, where your body automatically goes into the fight or flight mode for survival. Bursts of energy releasing during this time works wonders internal stress. This kind of stress, of course, a result caused by worry that has no real basis. Internal stress is one that people force upon themselves. It is caused by worrying about things that are beyond their control.