Beautiful Thing



A moving/inspirational piece for a production house called Dare2Uplift playing on YouTube

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the most beautiful thing in the world. It is not the hills in the majestic, snow capped mountains beyond, not the mighty Ocean, with its vast deeps. And it's Myriads of finish drives, not the move, as she sails her silvery course across the inky depth for the stars with their unfathomable mystery. Not some as he bursts forth in the morning horizon, sending forth his glorious raise after the darkness and fills the world with brilliance or the son Asi settles quietly down into the basin of the lake, painting the sky and clouds, hills, gorgeous purple, crimson and gold. No, none of these is the most beautiful thing. What is or can it be? It is the countenance of man at that moment, when faith in her travail gives birth to knowledge, when the clouds of uncertainty in the darkness of daughter dispelled with the light of truth. When intelligence isn't thrown in, the soul of man is illumined by the spirit of God. When the divine man is touched by the divine God and he cries, I see, I understand, I know. Hire a Mac Smith, circa 1900