Poetry Reading

Profile photo for Shannon Walton
Not Yet Rated


This is a poem written by a Memphis poet for a short film project

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
plans were canceled, leaving me to the long hours of the evening watching study creep of Sunbeam across my room, I wonder when was the last time I allowed myself to sit in silence long enough to become boredom? I intentional with my time or my blowing through to the end, where I curl up in bed in the dark, Forget in music. We have the rest, a time for no sound, a vocabulary of emptiness and without it notes run together the song Never breathing context lost in a wash of noise and Me dancing between commitments, holding my mind scattered, never pausing, the study found by the sting of self lashing and shame of indignities, friends and family long ago for gave my un intentionality If I'm honest, intentional.