How to take climate action - \"But I don't want to be a vegan\"

Profile photo for Shaunna Rushton
Not Yet Rated


Informal educational video created for social media channels. Unscripted. The aim of the video was to highlight that the best way to take action on climate is collectively not through taking on individual blame.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in your individual shopping help isn't gonna change the party. People are telling you you need to go vegan and you need to stop using plastic. You need to not drive. You need electric car, but actually we're not the problem by in sustainable toilet roll condition of ours on Bunnu Colour. It is brilliant, but it is no the only thing that should have made a difference. Every time I go home, my mom make such an effort we consume and I really appreciate that. But I know that it also puts a lot of financial pressure when she goes to the supermarket and those food she wants to buy. That might be plastic free. Your meat free or dairy free also seem to cost the most. It isn't just about these I owns. It isn't just about the individual shopping habits. It's about pressuring. The companies were producing the things that aren't good for our planets. We need to be coming together and asking politicians to act. We need to be demanding change that the climate crisis and that's the fun bit. That's where you can join a climate action group because when we're together, we're loader and we can't ignore joining action