Shawn Pruett- Impressions

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Video Narration


Impressions of Celebrities, Politicians, and Cartoons

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There comes a time everyone's life when problems finally find you thistles, Possibly the worst glass of milk I've ever had in my life. That cow is a loser. It should be fired for putting out spoiled milk. I've got to tell you. They think you're to pay Is sitting on your head just a little bit too tight and possible. This didn't come from a cow. Impossible. I just sat out to loan. Never happened. They think you're wrong. Never been wrong. What do you think? L boy, am I wrong? Where? I gotta tell you, I believe milk is like fine wine. You know, you let it sit out, Uh, age a little bit, you know, kind of Let's start changing colors. I don't know. I could be way out there. I think you have lost your mind. It is old and expired. Speaking of, has anyone seen my wife? She scares may. You know, given to have a camera meal is great. Benefits for your body. Come on. I'm gonna have to disagree, my friend. Think the green pea will suit us just fine? It's a dough. Great help in the Fitch. You know, with the kind of Bush. Your immune system, huh? Yes, it does. I think you guys got to go with That's the Citrus one. Makes you feel so good inside. I don't believe what my is our hearing. Have you watched the A mind you guys, you're not Gray is the only way. I can't see my swamp anymore, can you? May. And you got crazy. I can't see past my nose. All right, man. Its three. Right, boys, the weekend is finally here. What we have going on? Unfortunately, my portly friend, I have to go to a family reunion. Crap. You're kidding me right now. I was told we've been looking forward to it for a long time. But what about you will? Sorry, Peter. Hot. Are you serious? Hey, Peter, Could I interject? Yeah, go ahead. You know, I really don't really have a lot going on myself if you wanna go catch a hockey game or something. Yeah, you're funny. All right, Well, see you guys next week. Even though we don't have solutions to all problems, it's still fun watching celebrities handled. There's