Sheila Brothers Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


This is my commercial demo with National and local spots.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at Ashley Furniture Home Store. We've stretched our famous one day sail into a whole week of savings. With our huge one week sales, you'll get 55% off any furniture in the store, plus upto five years. Financing with no interest would be great if you could earn money for your school just by doing something you do all the time. Like grocery shopping. Well, now you can. Thanks Toa Public's partners want to throw the ultimate birthday party for your kid without the stress device dress. With defy Gravity's ultimate birthday party packages, they set up and clean up. You just show up. It's time, Miss Celebrate Mom with the one belt bakery cake featuring an edible picture of your favorite mom Memory right on top. Ladies are get ready for a change. Is your current Jim a little too crowded and lacking in personal attention will come try Wilmington. Lady Fitness mentioned this ad and get 90 days for $90. Did you know the world's first professional computer programmers were women or than rocket girls helped launch Americans into space engineering? It's not just for boys anymore,