Online history demo

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This is part of an online history narrative I recorded for students to view as part of a class.

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Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In the 14 hundreds, Greek scholars sought refuge in Italy from advancing Turkish warriors, bringing with them works Italian scholars thought were lost works by Plato, A. Scalise and Herodotus. In these texts, scholars rediscovered the splendors of ancient Greece and Rome and began to seek its rebirth or renaissance. It was no accident that the renaissance began first in Italy, where the relics of a glorious past laid the broken remnants of marble statues. The empty, overgrown forums were cattle grazed. A generation of European scholars inspired by Francesco Petrarca influenced the church's scholastic education. It gave way to one based on the classics rhetoric, grammar, poetry, history and, above all, Latin and Greek. Those who studied these subjects, known as humanity's, were called humanists, and their movement became known as humanism. Humanism revolutionized the church's teaching that human beings were by nature sinful, while Petrarca and the early humanist emphasized the importance of individual achievement. Later, humanists increasingly emphasized civic humanism. The idea, the individual achievement and education could be Onley fully expressed if people use their talents and abilities in the service of their cities. Under the influence of civic humanise, the ideal Renaissance man became a universal man, one versed in the classics who could also respond to all situations