English language | financial institution

Profile photo for Shion Johnson
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Online Ad for financial institution.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Caribbean (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Latin America and the Caribbean is facing a crisis. Few people talk about a crisis of our ability to believe that others will do the right thing. A crisis of trust, trust between people, trust in institutions and trust between companies and governments. This crisis slows down innovation and economic growth. It leads to informal employment and hinders public policies that curb crime and climate change without trust, democracy weakens at the I DB. We want to talk about trust and overcome this crisis together. We asked people across the region, how can we restore trust? And this is what they said, if we succeed in restoring trust or societies will come out, stronger, citizens will be able to trust the state and companies will become more innovative and together we can build societies that are more inclusive, resilient and just learn more at I A DB dot org slash 2021 trust.