Growing Bulbs: The Complete Guide to Become a Flower Bulb Expert

Profile photo for Eric Shipley
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I recorded and edited everything for this audiobook from a client through ACX. This is the retail sample.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter seven. Planting Your Bulbs. Planting bulbs can feel like something magical. It is an act of faith. You put something underground today and you are confident that sometime in the future you will be rewarded with glorious colors as well as forms. Planting bulbs is not too complicated. In fact, if you get the techniques right, you will find that it is more than just an act of faith. You will be certain of your results long before they come to happen, prepare for planting. There are different ways and locations to plant your bulbs and it will all depend on what you're looking for. How you plant. Your bulbs will highly depend on whether you are planting single bulbs, groups of bulbs, or if you plant to naturalize them in an area of grass, I'll explain what this means soon. Whichever method you use. Always arrange the bulbs on the surface first to check their the right distance apart. You don't want them to block each other's underground planting deaths bulbs need to be obviously planted underground, but they behave a bit different from other plants. The depth in which you plant them matters a big deal, which is why you should get it right. If planted too deep flowers will bloom late or not at all. If planted to shallow. New growth may become exposed too soon and risk damage by cold temperatures. If you are not sure of the exact planting depth. A good general rule of thumb is to plant the bulb 2 to 3 times as deep as the bulb is tall, measured from basil plate to tip