Education narration voice over

Profile photo for shivapushpa nadar
Not Yet Rated


narrating a story

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at a casual glance, no one would think that the two animals were even remotely related. The black footed mongoose, although still one Leah baby, measure to foot in length and stood about eight inches in height. She had blunt, rather dog like face with dark round and somewhat pretty Brent ice, her body, head and tail with a rich, creamy white. While I slammed her legs were rich brown that was almost black. She was leak Phineas and slept and reminded me of soft skinned person. Belen clap in nothing more than two pairs of black silk stockings. In contrast, doubling the mongoose looked anything but Harrison. It measured, including tale about 10 inches in length. It had a tiny, sharp pointed face for the small circular pink nose and a pair of small, glittery sherry coloured eyes. The for which was ladder Mhm, long and thick was a deep chocolate brown with the faint ginger pinch here and there. All right,