Never Lie

Profile photo for Shreya Banerjee
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A short story about the consequences of lying.

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never lied. Adam had learned from his friends that lying is the easiest way out of any situation. So he became fond of lying and enjoyed telling small lies. When his parents got him and warned him against telling lies, he shrugged them off, saying lies never harm anyone. Adam's father decided to explain to him why lying is bad. One evening Adam and his father were walking down the street with some groceries. Just then they saw a car rammed into a bookstore. Adam's father asked the man what happened? And he replied, The car driver lied to his father and he said he could see without spectacles. They both were in the car when the accident happened, the father is seriously hurt. I'm sure the Boyle regrets ever lying. Adam's father looked at Adam and said, see Adam, A lie is so dangerous it can hurt people. Adam realized huge cost of a lie and stopped lying right.