Narration Demo

Profile photo for Shannon Dudley
Not Yet Rated


Sample of various narration approaches.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the world is big and life is short and vacation time that's even shorter. So on your next trip, don't do something predictable. Go somewhere where there's more beauty per square mile than any place on earth. We're talking of course about Costa rica from lush rainforests to simmering volcanoes. This tiny country has it all. Great artists are able to elevate the human spirit in May 2020 with the covid 19 pandemic ravaging the globe. The legendary street artist Banksy rose to the occasion. The painting was simple. A boy playing with a superhero doll except the superhero was a nurse. Its impact was profound. You want to know the most important ingredient to a great party. It's not the perfect music or the best drinks or the most amazing food. It's the atmosphere. People have fun when they feel relaxed. So when hosting a party, make that your number one goal, the human brain has a hard time comprehending infinity. The idea that time has no beginning or end. It's so mind blowing. It can make you dizzy. The same can be said for the infinite universe, but science may have an explanation that your brain can understand. It all comes down to the most sacred of all shapes a circle