Narration Demo


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. In our newly renovated gallery dedicated to Impressionist and post Impressionist paintings and sculpture, you are about to see the work of such masters as Monet, Renoir, Cezanne and Van Gogh. Featuring a wide range of landscape paintings, still lifes and Impressionist portraiture, the gallery provides an extensive look at renowned avant garde artists working in France between 18 70 1900. From gentle streams to raging rivers and countless glassy lakes, Alaska offers an adventure in nature unlike any other in the world. It's a place where you conceive volcanoes and glaciers, whales and bears all in the same trip. Welcome to a land where the extremes of the wilderness present unparalleled natural beauty. Excessive energy consumption has become a significant concern from many people. Fortunately, energy conservation can be accomplished with just a few simple steps. One of the easiest ways to reduce costs is by lowering the setting on your water heater. Lowering the temperature setting by just one degree can say 5% in monthly utility costs. Welcome to this guided meditation for relax, ation and serenity. Close your eyes and exhale slowly. Take a moment to let all the stress and anxiety melt away. Imagine lying down, drifting comfortably on a soft white cloud floating quietly across a clear blue sky. You are light as a feather and carefree as a child, or a moment just witness this lightness off being.