Radio Imaging Demo - Matthew R. Lawrence

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Matthew R. Lawrence radio station Imaging Demo You're listening to Jimmy Radio your golden oldie station. Keep tuned in to Jimmy and let the good times roll. Take a bite out of this. Jimmy's got great music, great friends, and you guessed it great listeners. You found the love and no station warms you up like Jimmy. Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy Let the good times roll. We've got all the hits from the eighties nineties in whatever you're listening to. Frank FM, Today's best rock with John the Rolling Stone, The Gaffie What you saying way? Can't hear you pump up the jam with Frank waking you up every day. Teen on Darren in the morning, Frank. The smoothest, grooviest jazz Keep your ears tuned into the West Coast. Cool. 98.1 of them Catch the night Oh, cool jazz on Gotham's 98 11 Cool time for pillow talk with Grace Whisper sweet nothings in your shut eye Jazz 98.1. For the very best in classical music, tune into classical FM 24 hours a day with the very best classical Beethoven, Buck Mozart, Schubert receding Vivaldi and every single contento only classical the're National Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra. Only the very best on classical. And let's not forget the great composers of today. John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Howard Shore, Danny Elfman. From yesterday's classics to today's finest feature film soundtracks, we feature the very best way our classical.