Children's Reading



A short clip reading a children's story, with funny sounding character and upbeat tempo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am Mats, only nephew. Gobo Fraggle is my name. And someday maybe someday I will try to do the same. But now it's Uncle Travelling Matte, who turns and says goodbye. And me. That's gobo left behind to heave a farewell Cy Young Go Bo. I will never forget the freckles left behind. I'll send you many postcards that describe the things I find on. With that promise, Matt sets out to face what he must face all the danger and excitement in the world of art of space. Dear Go Bo. I have examined all the things that I can see. The creatures here, a very strange They're not like you and me. I wrote this postcard from a place with grass and sky and ground. A number of inhabitants were wandering around. I noticed one large group of folks who had a thoughtful look. So from my pack, I quickly pulled my pencil and my book. I was ready with my questions. I began my interview, but the only thing they answered was a slow and steady move