Sunil Malhotra

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English (North American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Neil Malhotra. Don't let my reputation intimidate you. I'm still human, just like everyone else. Only more human, like extra human or superhuman. We never stood a chance. They attacked us on a training mission. Jedi knights are too powerful for them. Please. Well, you might lead. Oh, no. I'm tangled in these vines. Hello, My name. Turkey. You roast me in danger chamber during holiday eating time. Not nice, but okay. Don't believe I say that. Single tier. Congratulations, Rigby. You won't need to go near another school for the rest of your life. Get out of my class, Rigby. Now everything was different. It's not just about that feeling anymore. It's not even about dance. Staying alive as an international super spy. I'm always finding myself in random unsorted places like these and one audio me **** unquote fun. Fun is techniques fun, Ricketts. What about sex is enjoyed that, Do we? The lanterns are excluded from databases under guardian Security decree 82669 Approaching coordinates now. One. You need more practice. The hologram man who's 10 times the fighter you are. You may need these high velocity armor piercing will take the hat off an elite that 2000 yards and the sometimes a good evacuation is its own reward