Stuart McCowan - Narrative

Profile photo for Stuart McCowan
Not Yet Rated


An audiobook reading of \"Domain\" by James Herbert.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
they scurried through the darkness, shadowy creatures living in permanent night. They had learned to become still to be the darkness when the huge monsters of roared above and filled the tunnels with thunder assaulting the black refuge. There, cold damn century with rushing lights and deadly crushing weight, they would cower as the ground beneath them shook the walls around them trembled, and they would wait until the rushing thing had passed. Not afraid, but necessarily wary. They had learned to keep within the confines of their underworld to venture out on Lee when their own comforting darkness was sister DH with the darkness above. For they had a distant race, memory of an enemy, a being whose purpose was to destroy them, a being who existed in the upper regions, where there was a vast, dazzling light, a place that could be explored safely on Lee. When the brilliance diminished and succumbed to concealing on pleasurable darkness. Word spread that Mr Tom Key did not own a television, and you began hearing that while this was all very well and good, it was unfair of him to inflict his beliefs upon others, specifically his innocent wife and Children It was speculated that just as the blind man develops a keener sense of hearing, the family must somehow compensate for their loss. Maybe they read, my mother's friends said, Maybe they listen to the radio, but you can bet your boots they're doing something. I wanted to know what this something wass. And so I began peering through the Tom Keyes is window. During the day, I'd stand across the street from their house, acting as though I were waiting for someone, and at night, when the view was better and I had less chance of being discovered, I creep into their yard and hide in the bushes beside their fence because they had no TV. The Tom Keyes were forced to talk during dinner. They had no idea how puny their lives were, and so they were not ashamed that a camera would have found them un interesting. They did not know what attractive was or what dinner was supposed to look like, or even what time people were supposed to eat. Sometimes they wouldn't sit down until eight o'clock long after everyone else had finished doing the dishes during the meal. Mr Tom Key would occasionally pound the table and pointed his Children with a fork. But the moment he finished, everyone would start laughing. I got the idea that he was imitating someone else and wondered if he spied on us while we were eating.