Cordwood Mortar



Reading an excerpt from the book \"Building Green\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
court would mortar has different demands placed on it than mortar in most other masonry situations. In fact, the huge mortar joints are perhaps better thought of as a mortar wall in which large pieces of wood aggregate are randomly embedded. A conventional mortar as to spend that kind of distance and put up with the movement of a flexible, embedded material like wood would almost certainly crack. Too much cracking could cause structural problems so cordwood mortars need to be re engineered in order to make sure they're less likely to shrink and crack. In addition, most conventional masonry walls make no attempt to resist heat flow through their volume, relying instead on insulation applied to the walls, exterior or interior surface. The volume of a court would wall, on the other hand, needs to be resistant to heat flow on its own. Since cordwood border is a considerable component of that volume, it would be nice to make it more insulated than it's conventional counterparts