Technical eLearning Example (with mild humor)

Profile photo for Craig Ephraim
Not Yet Rated


An eLearning VO that adds a bit of mild humor to an otherwise dull topic.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Home and flexible workers are workers who are either permanently home based or are able to work from home regularly. They can work differing hours as work fits into their home life. In a recent survey, 54% of mobile workers felt more productive out of the office. They use the cloud to send and receive emails and may use their company's private cloud to share documents or access crm databases. Let's look at a day in the life of a home based flexible worker. After a short commute from the kitchen to their desk, they log onto their companies private cloud space to check their emails. They may also log onto their smartphone and work on documents before taking a virtual meeting or two.