Sex: From The Couch (Audiobook)



This is an audiobook I voiced with over 25 characters, male and female, that is written in vignettes about a sex psychologists' experiences with various relationships..

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
During their brief initial conversation, Peter had quickly suggested meeting her at the restaurant in an hour. Charlotte didn't know what to make of his spontaneous request. Although meeting Peter wasn't her priority, she was hungry. The thought of biting into that juicy burger was number one on her list. When she arrived at the Burger Shack, she was lucky there were only a few people in line. Charlotte turned looking for a man approaching who resembled anything like the guy in the online picture. To her surprise, she quickly recognized him as he walked toward the open entrance where she stood. He wore dark aviators and was thin and handsome with longer hair than had appeared in his pictures. She thought, Honestly, he looks exactly like that man from Easy Rider, vaguely remembering that iconic movie from the seventies with the coolest hack motorcycle guy. Peter caught her eye immediately after winding through the tables and diners to reach her side. He placed his strong hand on her elbow and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. Hello, how are you? He said, grinning from ear to ear. It reminded her of a schoolboy, the sweet innocents to his pearly white smile. And yet, plainly this man was experienced in the ways of seduction. Do you want something to eat? She asked to be polite since she was already at the counter. Um, maybe just a milkshake. I ate already. Charlotte placed the order and they found a table while waiting for their food. They sat an exchange casual conversation. Peter had the kind of eyes that a woman could get lost within.