Non-fiction Audiobook demo - Narrative



Neutral RP, informative, clear, educational, warm, confident tone

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Irene, born at home on the 28th of March 1948 was a shy and sensitive girl. She cast off timidity in her early teens and was frequently in trouble at Spring Burns secondary school for smoking and playing truant. Tall and slim with long brown hair, she was quick to laugh, loved pop music and wanted to travel. When Saracen Foundry closed in 1967 Apostle Park went into decline and several of Irene siblings moved across the border to England. 17 year old Irene headed for London, finding work as a chambermaid and waitress in a succession of hotels. She became a single mother in 1966 and cut off all contact with her family. Unable to cope alone, Irene put her daughter, Lorraine, into council care, where she was fostered at the age of 18 months by Croydon antiques dealers who adopted her two years later.