Jones Bros. Jewelers "Loose Diamonds"

Radio Ad


I play the customer with questions in this radio ad for Jones Bros. Jewelers in Illinois. I even improvised some of the jokes (such as "I'll get my fedora") which the client and director decided to go with instead of the original script, and I reorganized and tweaked a bit of the announcer copy on the fly, which I'm good at because I'm a professional copywriter for my day job. (Recorded Sep. 11, 2014)

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. I'm Bob Woolsey of Jones. Brother Jewelers. Bob, You know, a lot of guys have a lot of questions when planning the perfect proposal. Questions like Bob. What exactly do you mean? When you say propose like a man? Well, when we say proposed like a man, we mean that we get it. A lot of guys want to create the perfect experience for their fiance. They want to pick the diamond, talk about setting options and budget and be involved from start to finish. And at Jones Brothers, we empower them to do just that. Oh, so you mean take charge and own it rather than just going with the flow? Exactly. I like this idea of proposing like a man. Will I be able to actually go into the diamond mined and extract the diamond with one of those really cool excavators? Because I've always wanted to do that. Well, that's more like proposed. Like Indiana Jones. Yeah, but wouldn't he go to the ends of the Earth for the perfect diamond to book the flight and I'll go get my fedora, fulfill her dreams with a proposal she'll never forget at Jones Brothers, Jewellers get started at Jones bro's dot com Jones Brothers