
Profile photo for Soozy Martin
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


These are selects from some of the longer format pieces I have done.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
before you slip into your new dress, make an appointment at the J. C. Penney Salon. We will make sure you dazzle it. That important holiday event are full service. Salon will add sparkle to your style from head to toe. It started with an idea we wanted to build to power, to travel, to communicate. Our ideas became boundless at a issues New American University, The IRA, a Fulton School of Engineering students, teachers, scientists and industry leaders unite to continue solving the world's greatest challenges. We are where ideas are born and where dreams are made. It all starts here. Child abuse is a crisis that tears at the very heart of our nation. Jonathan's Place, an emergency shelter in Dallas, Texas, cares for Children in crisis. It's not just how long you live, it's how much chase down what matters. Go ahead, write a screenplay, lounging by the pool, play spin the bottle until the sun comes up. Visit a place you can't pronounce and learn the language before you go. Your life is a book, and your job is to fill it with as many extraordinary experiences as possible. So shouldn't the story of your life include Living in a Place Is Incredible, a SOCO urban loss. It's the seasons of Fox giveaway at Comp USA. It's your chance to get exclusive deals and win great prizes, including a walk on role on the hit Fox. Siri's The Family Guy. Instead of begging the people at Fox, all you have to do is go to Comp USA and fill out an official registration form. You know you love it, you know you love it.