Children's storytelling service using an expressive and animated tone

Profile photo for Sreyashi Mukherjee
Not Yet Rated


In this clip, I read out from the children's book, \"The Adventures of Pipo\".

The recording was are done in an acoustically-treated vocal booth using a studio condenser microphone and pop filter, and cleaned up using Audacity.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah winter was coming near Mr and mrs squirrel were busy gathering in a store of food to eat. During the cold weather. Come along people they said to their youngest child, you must help to like your brothers and sisters or you have nothing to eat when winter comes, what will you do then? You'll be very sorry for all this idleness. But people paid no heat. He was very young and didn't like to work. He wanted to play all the time and make his brothers and sisters laugh and get into mischief and just do what he liked. He also liked to eat, sleep and dream. He especially liked dreaming and usually he dreamed of traveling oh to travel to go off and discover the world. He was sure the world was a beautiful place where everything was easy and *** and wonderful. And one night when everything was quiet and still at home and everyone was sleeping, people woke up and suddenly made a great decision. He would go off and discover the world.