Audio Book - Huckleberry Finn (US Southern)

Profile photo for Stefan Kaye
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
her sister, Miss Watson. Tolerable. Sweet Oh, made with Gago's own, had just come to live with her and took a set of me Now with a spelling book. She worked me a middle in hard for about a narrow And then the widow mayores up. I couldn't stand it much longer For an hour it was deadly dull, and I was fit. Jali Miss Watson would say, Don't put your feet up there, Huckleberry. And don't you scrunch up like that Huckleberry. Sit up straight. And pretty soon she would say, Don't gap and stretch like that, Huckleberry, why don't you try to behave? Then she told me all about the bad place and said, I wished I was there. She got mad then, but I didn't mean no harm. All I wanted was to go somewheres. All I wanted was a change. I want particular, she said. It was wicked to say what I said said she wouldn't say for the whole world she was gonna live. So is to go to the good place. Well, I couldn't see no advantage of going where she was going, so I made up my mind. I wouldn't try for it, but I never said so because it would only make trouble and wouldn't do no good