Internet Commercial Demo

Video Narration


Funny, Genuine, Cute, Confident, Friendly, Nurturing, Flirt, Cool Mom, Reassuring

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
imagine knowing you're pregnant The moment it happens, Science is getting close. They've discovered more forms of the early pregnancy hormone Onley. We can tell you six days sooner than your missed period ended over 99% accuracy. No other test is more accurate. First response lets you know sooner odds of you being struck by lightning. Unlikely out of you being struck by lightning and acquiring superpowers. Slim. But with Monopoly back at McDonald's, the odds of you feeling like you can leap tall buildings because you win ethic prizes like fries or cold hard cash are one and four. The best cafe in the world has gotten rather popular lately. Many of my friends know, drop by to enjoy the finest coffee recipes and the exceptional surface that creates the perfect cappuccino, latte and espresso in seconds. In fact, this cafe is so popular, I think it needs to expand onto the patio. You know, the truth is, there's all sorts of crazy stuff your hormones are doing to your body right now. Some of it's good, some of it not so much, so if you get break outs, don't blame fries. Don't blame yourself. Blame biology finding it tough to get your kids to brush. Well, now there's something cool to help make Brushing were fun and effective. New list Tareen Aging Cool blue The cool blue rinse, The tense plaque blue So kids know exactly where to brush so they can brush more effectively. You wish everything could be that easy. New list reengaging cool blue.