Lottery TV commercial airing in the UK

Television Ad


Voiceover for this national UK campaign

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
here in the far reaches of the forest, we find a wild tiger roaming freely, a family of Asian elephants drinking peacefully at a watering hole. And here, in deepest suburbia, we find the humble human. This lucky pair have just won £25,000 in the world Animal Protection Weekly lottery. In fact, cash prize winners can be spotted in their natural habitats across the nation. The World Animal Protection Weekly lottery costs just £1 to play, and every time you do, you'll be protecting wild animals from abuse and keeping them safe in their natural habitats where they belong. Start playing today. Call Oh 801 5 Double 312 Oh text play 6 to 70, Double six or search Wild lottery. Get ready to go wild in your natural habitat with the World Animal Protection Weekly lottery.