TV Ads: Genuine, authoritative, conversational, eloquent, nurturing...

Television Ad


Demo reel of a few television/cable/internet commercials showing sincerity and authentic \"real guy.\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
At Kioti Tractor, we're going to treat you like dirt because we hold dirt in the highest regard. We're honored to find it under our fingernails. Lucky to be caked in it at day's end. It keeps us humble - Whether you're selling the family home, moving to the country, expanding your business, or buying your first home. A local @realty expert is here to help - The New Year's sale is going on now at Ashley Home Store. Save up to 20% off your entire purchase and start the New Year in style with hot buys up to 40% off - Thanks to generous donors like you, families will never receive a bill from Saint Jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food. So they can focus on helping their child live - Experience our old-world craftsmanship and custom designs. If you can dream it, we can make it. All jewelry repairs done on-site while you wait - Dog food through the ages. It's been a bit underwhelming and hasn't always been the easiest to stomach and it's never really looked like food, but we believe that dogs deserve better.