The True Cost of Wildfire

Profile photo for Steve Scott
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


This was a project done by North 40 Productions for an animation on the hidden costs of wildfire. Steve's credits include Voice Acting, writing and directing.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When it comes to how much we're spending on wildfires, those people simply count the cost of fighting them. And it is true that over the last three decades, the amount we've spent on fire suppression has increased exponentially. In 2017 we spent a record breaking 2.9 billion federal dollars on suppression. But while this is a lot of money, it's only part of the story. On average, this is what we spend on suppression, and this is what we spend rebuilding, damaged or destroyed structures. Add to that the cost of restoring vital infrastructure, factoring the resulting loss of business revenue and lowering property values. And the true economic impact of a wildfire can exceed 100 times the amount spent on suppression. So what is the rial total cost of wildfires and record breaking? 2017. $2.9 billion no closer to 300 billion? And who's paying for this? Around half of the bill is covered by federal dollars, and the other half is covered directly by homeowners, businesses and nonprofits. In other words, you are paying for it