\"Can I Recognize Your Soul\" Movie Intro

Movie Trailers

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when you say that. But somewhat you never know if you get to see our ever again. You never know if it's the last. When you see the first, sometimes you be wanting What was the last time you saw realizing that he isn't alive? You couldn't imagine that your last meeting would turn out to be the last for both of you to be the last time for you to shake his hands. You problems said you will see him the following day. But the following day you're abusing and the day after that and after that and now is being like 235 10 years. Who knows? And you're trying your best to recollect your last meeting, how it waas and where it waas It didn't appreciate it about that. It didn't give my thought, too.