Australian Native with professional US General American Accent

Profile photo for Sue Mulcahy
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Showcases various styles - TV, Radio, Corporate Video and Educational video as well as US Accent advert

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Vodafone's Night talker gives you heaps of free standard calls from eight PM till eight AM to any mobile or landline in Australia starting from $30 expiry periods. Apply. Head in store, grab a red sim and join Vodafone today. Just by doing your normal shopping. You can help your kids primary school shop for your school begins this Thursday at Westfield where participating primary schools can share in $2 million worth of apple computers and prizes. Hi, here's my trolley and my keys. If you could just kind of pop everything into that blue convertible, you know the one on the pavement, I'm just going to be next door having a coffee, learn how to juggle two guys at once in this month's clio with Gwen Stefani on the cover and a hot main centerfold inside all. You know what tens you on what group of road users accounted for? More than 2000 people killed or injured on our roads last year. Um Is it motorbike riders incorrect? They were all pedestrians. Sometimes you don't think about pedestrians until it's too late. Whenever you're driving. Please watch out people about a message from the RT A kids talk about Acne. I found out that I couldn't walk out of my room when one of my friends came. If you have Acne and nothing's working, see your doctor and go to Acne can be cured dot com dot A U. For more information, you can escape Acne.