
Profile photo for sunil kumar jha
Not Yet Rated
Movie Trailers


In this voice sample a person is narrating a story about a girl ,named Rapunzel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is the story of how I died. Don't worry. This is actually a very fun story and the truth is it isn't even mine. This is the story of a girl named Rapunzel and it is start with the sun. No, once upon a time a single drop of sunlight fell from the heaven and from this small drop of sun grew a magic golden flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured. Now you see that old woman over there, you might want to remember her. She is kind of important. Well Century pass and hope escape and the boat right away there grew a kingdom, The kingdom was ruled by a beloved king and queen and the queen. Well she was about to have a baby but she got sick really sick. She was running out of time and that's when people usually start to look for a miracle or in this case a magic golden flower.