The Queen of Lanternland

Profile photo for Suryo Nurwendo
Not Yet Rated


A story about a young prince on a journey to discover the world.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the prince journeyed on, spending days traveling, and his knights in alloy side ends till one day he found himself in the heart of the adamant mountains. The great red granite cracks of the surrounding peaks rose out of gleaming snow like ugly fingers and slopes of the giant glaciers sparkled in the sun like thorns of diamonds. The prince sat down by some stunted trees who stopped, had been broken off a long time ago by an avalanche and began to eat the bit of bread and cheese that it had stored in his pocket. Meanwhile, his black horse ate grass, which grew here and there along the mountain path, and as the prince sat there in the bright sun and the silence of the mountain, he became aware of a low, continuous roaring. There must be a waterfall nearby, said the prince to himself. I'll go and see it.