Demo Reel

Profile photo for Thomas O'Neill
Not Yet Rated


A compilation of previous work showing a variety of voice over talent from narrative, video game characters, commercial, comedic, announcer and industrial

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know what the problem is with all you. You push your body hard in the name of fitness. Sure, it's for a good cause, but a good cause shouldn't mean sacrificing a good time, brutal defeat and whatever it takes to help keep you safe. After completing treatment, you will get tested to confirm that you've been cured. I looked at the sun and then away. It made enormous. Morning glories float over the yard. What do you said, Sex drinking? The man says, sit in line and wait for your bread and you chumps say, okay, wait a minute, the mother said, but the baby fell over sideways just at that minute, and by the time the mother had set her up again, the man was going on and I took her head and I pulled out all her hair and your little sister. The little boy prompted eagerly in all my years of struggling to be a man, I doubt there's ever been a moment when I felt less inclined to laugh for crack jokes. This was really the end and it was a terrible and frightening place to be. You don't see the opportunities that are right in front of you