Video - Narration

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Narration for a video

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


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chronic absenteeism, a barrier to effective education, chronic absenteeism fxe 6.5 1,000,000 students across the country. That is 13% of the total students population in the United States. About 20% of students in high school are chronically absent, compared to about 12% of students in middle school and about 11% in elementary school. Additionally, chronically absent students are more likely to drop out of high school. Students will drop out of high school, are more likely to experience poverty, diminished health outcomes and involvement in criminal justice system. Many parents may not realize how often their child is absent from school. In my own experience, when I was a high school student, I used to be chronically absent. I believe that some of the reasons to be absent from school could be either language barriers, lack of information, um, from the students side and also by the parents. Another reason might be the lack of parent involvement in my case. My mother, a single mom, working all the time and also like a barrier. She did not speak English that well back then, so she will not come to school neither to pick up my report cars neither to speak to the administrators or teachers to see how I was doing in school. So, um, she was she will not. He will not be present, are engaged in my academic life. Using a day from time to time may not seem like a big problem compared to missing several days in a row. But absent just two days in a month can lead to your child being considered chronically absent. It's really challenging to work with a student that has a an educational gap, and on top of that has chronic absenteeism. Because you are ready doing some type of differentiation on and when you have to reteach the same strategies and the same um, skills and teachers students will not get that just will not get the information. If there if they have missed so much time, they will not understand. And it comes to a point where it is very frustrating. Asset teacher. I feel a lot of frustration oftentimes because I can see the potential in a student. But if that student is it is absent too much in the classroom, then as much as you try, there will always be a big gap. Why chronic absenteeism matters. Chronic absenteeism is widespread. About one out of every six students missed three weeks or more of school. That term slates to more than 100 million school days. Lost on a gas int ism is a big issues in school nowadays on, and it's something that really affected students not only in their academic achievement but also at school level were, in effect, the student's behavior, and it also affects their emotions. Students miss out, and when they come back, they're the way they socialized with each other. It's different, and they feel lost. Oftentimes they feel lost, but not only in the emotional and social level, but it also affects their academic researchers suggests they re sense where chronic absenteeism are as relied acid challenges our students and families face, including four house family matters, limited transportation and a lack off safety, which can be particulate early, acute in disadvantaged communities and areas off poverty. Whatever it costs is chronic absenteeism can be chronic absence affect high school graduation rates and the chances off success in college. In a Rhode Island study on Lee, 11% of high school students with chronic absences reached the second year of college compare with 51% in the case of students who did not miss school much, how can teachers and parents help to reduce absenteeism? I have implemented many strategies that have helped me with my students. One of these strategies is to hold the foreign students and acts if there's a problem that is causing the shelves toe missed school. Another storage is to maintain a safe classroom environment that is fully free and a little student to feel comfortable. And it is also useful. Toe content of resource is that the school provides, such as consular, a social worker, other teachers or nurses, and finally create in Georgia ble class linked to daily life where the students are interested. And it is important to make sure that the student feel appreciate. Excellent teachers may explain the importance of attendance to the entire school community and ensure to catch problems early. You stand up to identify which students are at risk. Teachers as well as administrators should always make parent phone calls and home visit to the homes of those chronically absent students. Teenager greater student, and she also has a perfect attendance. How do I achieved that with her and very involved with her in school? I find out for her what activities she can do, what's course chicken join, or I guide her where to get the information that she needs. I'm I support her all the time and courage in her into training things. Whether is music sports parent of woman is the key for increasing. I'm absolutism. Any level of education. Another way to avoid chronic absenteeism is to get involved on the Children's area off struggle, taken active interest in their Children's school work, as well as encourage their Children to take an active role in school clubs and participate in sports or after school activities. Seven. Absenteeism in high school needs to be proactive rather than reactive. Celebratory rather than punitive, it must be individualized. Challenges that keeps students out of school are as variety as the students themselves. School leaders, social workers and teachers must be prepared to address students. Challenges individually, provide resource is for the circumstances out of their control and hold students and families accountable