Calm/Soft/Warm Audiobook Narration in English, Young, Classic



A somewhat short demo consisting of three different type of audiobook narrations (autobiography, poetry, psychology), all in a calm, soothing, warm voice, with the tiniest hint of an accent, to lend a slight child-like, young adult tone to your voice over materials.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my grandmother, sitting opposite me in her large walter armchair. Question me! What are you afraid of? She asked. Why are you so harmful? I have not heard you laugh all day. I did not answer, but looked at my grandmother. It seemed to me that the trouble I was dreading would come through her. Are you not there? She persisted. Yes, I am answer. Please do not talk to me! She did not utter another word, but Her two hands on her lap sat there for hours. I have seen the proudest stars that wander around through space. Even the sun and moon, but not your face. I have heard the violin, the winds and waves to rejoice endless minstrel street, not your voice. I have touched the trillium, pale flowers of the land, coral anemone, and not your hands! I have kissed the shining feet of twilight. Lover wise, open the gates of dawn! Oh! Not your eyes! I have dreamt unwanted things. Visions that witches brew working with images. Never with you! I would ask no one to accept a forced idleness without objection or regret. Such an acceptance would imply a lack of spirit, to say the least. But idleness and rest are not incompatible. Neither are idleness and services nor idleness and contentment. If we can look upon rest as a preparation for service. If we can make it serve us in the opportunity. It gives for quiet growth and legitimate enjoyment. Then it is fully justified. And it may offer advantages an opportunity of the best