All India Radio Voice Cast

Profile photo for Tanmay Kulshrestha
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Voice cast given during a live All India Radio News Broadcast

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here is a desk report. The Department of Consumer Affairs had noticed that the guidelines were not being strictly complied with by the concerned entities, and the prohibited goods were still being advertised through surrogate goods and services. During the recent sports events that were televised globally, many instances of such surrogate advertisements were noticed. It has also been observed that many alcoholic spirit and beverages are being advertised under the garb of music, CDs, club soda and packaged drinking water, whereas chewing tobacco and vodka has taken the veil of fennel and cardamom. Besides, several instances of direct advertisement of alcoholic beverages on social media platforms were also observed by the department that Michael cherished news desk the use.