A part of the book, 'Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind'

Profile photo for Tasfia Islam
Not Yet Rated


My demo showcases the softness and gentle nature of my voice and my storytelling skills.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Spanish (Central American)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Joel sits in Iraq and pulls a big tater notebook from his briefcase. He opens it and rates. It's last entry. January 6 2001. Nothing much now. Me and I co existing roommates. Nothing would go on like this forever. My best guess. Yes. Under the entries of detailed drawing off a paranoid, wild eyed man huddled in the corner for damp basement lit by a bare bulb on a cord, Joel notices something odd. A great many pages have been torn out after the last entry. He ponders it for a moment, then writes in the next page, Valentine's Day 2003. First entry in two years. Where did those years go? If you're not careful, it gets away from you and then it's over and you're dead. And within a few years, 11 remembers you were here, called in sick. Today, take the train after Montag code. I don't know what else to say. I saw on Io me last night, first time since the break up. We had sex. It was odd to fall into our old familiar sex life so easily like no time has passed. Suddenly we're talking about getting together again I guess that's good. He has no other thoughts. Does some work in the drawing? On the opposite page, he glances up spots of female figure in a distance. Walking in this direction, she stands out against the grain of force and orange hooded Suchard. This is Clement. She's in her early thirties, exacting. He watches her for a bit. The national years. She goes back to this drawing or at least pretends to. Once she has passed, he watches her walk away. She stops and stares out of the ocean. Jill rights, constitutionally incapable of making eye contact with the woman. I don't know. Guess I'd better get back to my oh, me to buy a valentine. She loves roses, I believe.