Storytelling Sample

Profile photo for Tausif VO
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


A sample for storytelling projects as well as narrations and youtube videos

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The Elven legends say that a celestial being named Funereal landed on the realm of Cardia and made it with the earth and sired the three daughters. These offsprings of Funereal were the first fairies. A plethora of fae creatures such as elves, sprites, pixies, cell keys to ah to have descended from these three primordial fairies. Most fae can speak to trees and dragons, elves who live in the Fairwood can persuade trees to form wombs hut like housing inside which fake can reside. The Elven city of Leiria. Leiria is the first and largest Elven citadel. It's the crown jewel of Elven civilization and the heart of magic. The architecture of its buildings are a majestic blend of Elven tree speaking and borrowed medieval human technology. Magic is akin to formal education for them. Even the most average citizen of Lydia can perform basic feats of magic.