British In- show Narration Demo

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Documentary style -Informational pieces regarding Salem Witch Trial, WWII and Polish Game Developers.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Between February 16 92 and May 16 93 more than 200 people were accused and 19 executed for witchcraft in Salem Massachusetts. But why I think it's really important that the site be found and identified armed with advanced technology. Modern historians will enter a lost puritan world. Very few people even realize this is here to find where the victims were hanged and secretly buried. John Atkins was the youngest soldier killed in operation dynamo at only 15 years of age, this teenager showed great bravery by embarking on a boat to participate in the evacuation before leaving. He wrote Dear Mother. We're under the navy. Now we're going to France today and might never come. Don't worry John, but more than 330,000 soldiers were saved in just nine days. Thanks to military and civilian collaboration. What to hit video games like the Witcher franchise, Sniper Ghost Warrior three and Chernobyl Light have in common. They are among the many hundreds of highly acclaimed games developed in Poland. We have a strong involvement in growing the industry as a whole. Poland boasts around 440 game development studios making everything from high budget AAA games to Indie efforts and smaller games played on mobile phones. We have to look no further than Poland's educational system to understand why this country is taking the video game industry by storm.