Sky Fears episode 1



A short story about my trip to Cape Town.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
mhm. So generally I'm not afraid of anything until I obviously have to confront what it is that I came not to be afraid of. Then that's where the problem starts. I was celebrating my 28th birthday and I thought, Let me do it in style, I decided to fly to Cape Town. Armed with a list of restaurants and a bag full of clothes, I made my way to the first taxi stop, which is just outside my house. I was going to take three taxis to get to the O. R. Tambo International Airport. After wrestling taxi drivers and foot traffic in the Joburg CBD, I finally made it today. I was three hours and 30 minutes early, so I decided to kill time by eating natural smothered in cheese and mushroom sauce and washed it all down with a chocolate notion. Time went by quickly as I walked around the airport and watched people say goodbye to their loved ones, and eventually time for me to board the plane arrived. I had never been on a plane before. I didn't know what to expect. As I walked up the stairs into the aeroplane, I realised I was going to put my life in someone's hands. A complete stranger, the pilot, a man that I've never met, the voice coming from the speakers above my head. But he was going to take me to my bed, a destination that was the important part. When I got to my seat, I realised there was no denying back. I got the same feeling that I get when I go on roller coaster rides, you know, before it ascends and gravity pulls it down. I knew there was no turning back the lights for the safety announcements. Go on and the instructions play in the overhead sound system. I whip out my cell phone and text my cousin, who vowed that he would never get on an aeroplane for as long as he lived. I now understand why he hates aeroplanes. And he would never be in who. Hey, I'm at O R. Tambo. I'm in the plane. We are about to leave. I now understand why you're afraid to fly in 10 minutes will be in the air. I sent the text and prepare for takeoff while flying over Bloemfontein. The plane starts to shake all the episodes that I've ever watched of air crash investigation start playing in my head. The turbulence is caused by the rain in Bloemfontein. The pilot tells us it will be over soon. And sure enough, the plane stops shaking. I'm wide awake and the two passengers sitting beside me are sleeping. I keep checking my watch to see how much longer we have until we get to Cape Town. I thought the turbulence and take off a bed until the plane hit the runway at the Cape Town International Airport. It felt like the plane was crashing. The conversations stopped. The lights came on in the plane and I let out a sigh of relief. I was in the mother city. The celebrations for my 28th birthday we're about to start.